40 Growth Marketing Tactics For Your Site

Practicum - Knowledge Hub

Growth Marketing is an aggressive, analytical way for companies to grow their website traffic, but also to increase customer base through various simple tests, optimizations and improvements.

While some growth hacking tactics and practices need time to  gain traction, there are a number of tools, tips and techniques you can rapidly test and start on your site and in your marketing practices.

1. Use meta descriptions and Tags

Make sure you always include meta descriptions and tags for blog posts. Adding tags and meta description content will only take few seconds, but they can add long-term value to search result listings.

2. Build a Beta-Testing page

Before going live with your website, build a beta-testing page with a short message about the company and a mailing list sign up to start building buzz and capturing potential users’ email addresses. This technique is known as landing page marketing. 

3. Test on One Thing

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